Category: Activity

伊諾瓦科技誠摯邀請您,蒞臨主題論壇 AIoT & Hardware Security Summit 展區,共襄盛舉聆聽精彩議程 !


AIoT 時代的 Edge 安全,RoT 硬體最佳防護策略
Edge Security in the AIoT Era: RoT Provides The Best Hardware Protection

地點:AIoT & Hardware Security Zone
時間:4月17日(四) 11:30-12:00

主講者:葉人瑋 JW Yeh, Ph.D. / 伊諾瓦科技產品經理


  • CMMC 在國防與企業供應鏈中的角色
  • CMMC 2.0 主要要求與等級 (L1-L3)
  • AI 運算從雲端轉向 Edge 的趨勢
  • Edge 設備常見的資安攻擊面 (未授權存取、資料竊取、設備植入)
  • CMMC 如何規範 Edge AI 環境下的數據保護。
  • 利用 FIPS 140-2 認證的硬體加密技術確保系統完整性
  • 透過硬體加密晶片實現符合 CMMC 的身分驗證與設備防護
  • Data at Rest (DAR):FIPS 140-2 L2/L3 加密存儲,確保敏感數據安全
  • Data in Transit (DIT):安全通訊與 API 端對端加密,防止中間人攻擊
  • Data in Use (DIU) 的安全機制:確保執行中的 AI 模型與推論結果不被竊取

2024 IoT Security forum

2024 第七屆物聯網安全高峰論壇伊諾瓦科技邀請您聽演講, 立即報名抽好禮喔!

上午場次 — 

萬述寧 Robert Wann
伊諾瓦科技股份有限公司 President & C.E.O.

美國國防部(DoD)針對國防供應鏈資安風險管理而公布「網路安全成熟度模型認證Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification」(簡稱 CMMC)規範,CMMC法制化在即,取得CMMC認證,除了可以擁有美國國防供應鏈競爭門檻外,更進一步強化檢視企業內部網路資安防護能力,在這場演講讓美國國防部認證之專業CMMC評鑑師(CCA)帶您進一步了解CMMC法規重點及解析應用實例。


葉人瑋 Jw Yeh
伊諾瓦科技股份有限公司 產品經理

深入淺出探討MX+ Edge Solutions如何全面保護Edge AI環境中的系統與資料安全: MX+ ASIC晶片在保護AI數據儲存和AI運行系統中的關鍵作用 – 如何利用MX+作為Secure Enclave,確保Edge AI硬體系統的完整性 – MX+ Edge Solutions提供的與系統隔離的加密器,增強應用層安全性 – 針對Edge AI特殊需求,MX+如何平衡高安全性與高效能 – 案例分析: MX+ Edge Solutions在Edge AI場景中的應用與效果通過本演講,聽眾將了解MX+ Edge Solutions如何為Edge AI環境提供全面的安全保護,從硬體到應用層面構建一個安全、高效的AI生態系統。


2024第七屆物聯網安全高峰論壇1113() 09:00-16:30 
華南銀行國際會議中心2樓  臺北市信義區松仁路123號2樓

The new CMMC Cybersecurity Law would foreseeably impact manufacturers’ brand name & revenue – What’s the strategy for growth & sustainment?

Event Ended

Robert Wann
President & C.E.O.
Enova Technology Corporation

5/15 (Wed.) 13:30 – 14:00
Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2
4F AIoT & Hardware Security Zone

The new CMMC Cybersecurity Law would foreseeably impact manufacturers’ brand name & revenue – What’s the strategy for growth & sustainment?

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) announced the “Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification” (CMMC) information security requirements for DIB (Defense Industrial Base) partners. The soon-to-be legalized CMMC is expected to be fully implemented in fiscal year 2026. As such, all DIB including their contractors/subcontractors must demonstrate adequate CMMC satisfaction before contracts would be awarded. CMMC will have a direct impact on all the manufacturers in the global supply chain. For Taiwanese manufacturers, CMMC presents both a challenge and opportunity. To be able to demonstrate adequate level of CMMC compliance is a key to winning a Defense contract. However, the purpose of CMMC doesn’t stop here. It may go beyond current scope as company’s product design and engineering that embedded the spirits of CMMC would definitely gain more competing edges, thus more customers. We are here to prepare those interested parties to become CMMC compliance and gain better competitive edge globally.
