伊諾瓦科技誠摯邀請您,蒞臨主題論壇 AIoT & Hardware Security Summit 展區,共襄盛舉聆聽精彩議程 !

伊諾瓦科技誠摯邀請您,蒞臨主題論壇 AIoT & Hardware Security Summit 展區,共襄盛舉聆聽精彩議程 !


AIoT 時代的 Edge 安全,RoT 硬體最佳防護策略
Edge Security in the AIoT Era: RoT Provides The Best Hardware Protection

地點:AIoT & Hardware Security Zone
時間:4月17日(四) 11:30-12:00

主講者:葉人瑋 JW Yeh, Ph.D. / 伊諾瓦科技產品經理


  • CMMC 在國防與企業供應鏈中的角色
  • CMMC 2.0 主要要求與等級 (L1-L3)
  • AI 運算從雲端轉向 Edge 的趨勢
  • Edge 設備常見的資安攻擊面 (未授權存取、資料竊取、設備植入)
  • CMMC 如何規範 Edge AI 環境下的數據保護。
  • 利用 FIPS 140-2 認證的硬體加密技術確保系統完整性
  • 透過硬體加密晶片實現符合 CMMC 的身分驗證與設備防護
  • Data at Rest (DAR):FIPS 140-2 L2/L3 加密存儲,確保敏感數據安全
  • Data in Transit (DIT):安全通訊與 API 端對端加密,防止中間人攻擊
  • Data in Use (DIU) 的安全機制:確保執行中的 AI 模型與推論結果不被竊取

Enova Technology Launches Quantum Resistant Single Chip Solution

Hsin-Chu Science Park, Taiwan, December 13, 2024 – Building on its heritage of 20+ years expertise in real-time cryptographic chip design and solutions, Enova Technology announced today the availability of the Quantum Resistant (QR) Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) solution based on the FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated single chip crypto module – X-Wall MX+ xF/QR that supports stateful hash-based eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme (XMSS) and multi-tree XMSS (XMSSMT) DSA. The X-Wall MX+ xF/QR solution can address identification and authentication of user and device through the XMSS and XMSSMT DSA while protecting CUI (Controlled Unclassified Information) confidentiality and privacy through the built-in hardware AES 256-bit accelerator. 

“The solution marks the vanguard of our PQC chip roadmap,” said Robert Wann, founder and CEO of Enova Technology. “Leveraging years of accumulated experience in system architecture and system security engineering, this real-time cryptographic chip and solution helps the US federal government, defense, aerospace, law enforcement, healthcare, and industrial customers secure their sensitive data, like CUI. The solution is immediately available for qualified companies and organizations evaluation.”

Immediate Transition to Quantum Resistant Encouraged
NSA (National Security Agency) encourages vendors to begin adopting NIST SP 800-208 DSA immediately through the issuance of CNSA Suite 2.0 (Commercial National Security Algorithm) advisory. For deployed software and firmware, NSA recommends that the timing for transitioning to CNSA 2.0 should begin immediately with new software and firmware signing being CNSA 2.0 compliance by 2025. Continued progress in quantum research suggests that Cryptographically Relevant Quantum Computers (CRQC) will ultimately be realized. Therefore, NSA suggests that now is the time to plan, prepare, and budget for an effective transition to quantum-resistant (QR) algorithms, to ensure continued protection of National Security Systems (NSS) and related assets.

In addition, National Security Memorandum 10 (NSM-10) establishes the year 2035 as the primary target for completing the migration to PQC across Federal systems: “Any digital system that uses existing public standards for public‑key cryptography, or that is planning to transition to such cryptography, could be vulnerable to an attack by a relevant quantum computer.”

Armed with the FIPS validated security strength, the stateful hash-based XMSS/XMSSMT of the X-Wall MX+ xF/QR can successfully address the software and firmware code signing with minimum impact to performance and adoption, and can effectively mitigate roll-back and side-channel attacks, among other threats. Pursuant to NIST Internal Report IR 8547 “Transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography Standards”, quantum vulnerable Public Key Cryptography (PKC) based digital signature algorithms such as ECDSA, EdDSA, and RSA with 112-bit security strength will be deprecated after 2030 and disallowed after 2035.

Other Use Cases
User Authentication and Constrained Devices – User and device authentication can be cryptographically verified through the stateful hash-based XMSS/XMSSMT of the X-Wall MX+ xF/QR. Armed with the hardware-protected entropy source, bit strength, and state management capabilities, the solution well serves those constrained devices and equipment with long service lifetimes.
Long-term Confidentiality & Privacy – the stateful hash-based XMSS/XMSSMT of the X-Wall MX+ xF/QR when collaborating with the built-in hardware AES 256-bit engine can provide quantum resistant protection to all long-term sensitive data.

Key Features

  • FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated single chip with low power consumption.
  • 64-pin QFN small form factor with proven reliability through field deployment.
  • Level 3 physical security, secure boot and secure firmware update.

About Enova Technology
Enova Technology is a global leader in chip-based cryptographic design & solutions that address the increasing requirement for privacy and confidentiality, satisfying the growing demand for data security. Enova’s advanced real-time cryptographic solutions are designed to meet the performance and standards of the most demanding government and enterprise customers. For more information, visit the Enova at www.enovatech.com.

Ms. Zoe Chen zoe.chen@enovatech.com
Enova Technology Corp. www.enovatech.com | info@enovatech.net
P: +886 3577 2767 | F: +886 35772770

伊諾瓦科技發表最新抗量子X-Wall MX+ xF/QR 單晶片解決方案

新竹科學園區,台灣,20241211 — 憑藉著20餘年即時加密晶片 (Real-time Encryption Chip) 設計及解決方案的專業知識,伊諾瓦科技 (Enova Technology) 今天宣佈推出基於 FIPS 140-2 Level 3 認證的X-Wall MX+ xF/QR 單晶片抗量子(Quantum Resistant, QR) 數位簽章 (Digital Signature Algorithm, DSA) 解決方案並可支援後續抗量子電子簽章法。該方案實施NIST SP800-208標準的XMSS (eXtended Merkle Signature Scheme) 和XMSSMT (Multi-tree XMSS) 數位簽章,可實現使用者 (User)、代表使用者的程序 (Process on behalf of a user) 及裝置 (Device) 的身份識別與認證,同時透過內建的AES 256位元硬體加速器保護傳輸和儲存資料的機密性和隱私

「該晶片解決方案代表著我們PQC藍圖的首要里程碑,」伊諾瓦科技創辦人兼執行長萬述寧說。「它利用累積多年的系統架構和系統安全工程 (System Security Engineering) 實踐經驗用以設計即時加密晶片和解決方案,幫助我們的國防、聯邦政府、航空航太、執法、醫療單位和工業客戶保護他們的敏感數據。我們即日起可為合格廠商及單位提供晶片解決方案。」

迎接量子時代的挑戰 – 從現在開始!
【已部署的軟體及韌體簽章,應立即開始轉換至 CNSA 2.0;新版軟體及韌體則應在2025年符合 CNSA 2.0 標準。X-Wall MX+ xF/QR 單晶片的XMSS/ XMSSMT 解決方案可以成功解決軟體和韌體源碼簽章問題。】

美國國家安全局 (National Security Agency, NSA) 近期發佈 “Commercial National Security Algorithm” CNSA 2.0資安建議,指出現在是時候為轉換至抗量子演算法計劃、準備並規畫預算,以確保美國國家安全系統 (National Security Systems, NSS) 及相關資產的持續保護。此公告通知NSS的利害關係人抗量子演算法需求,並鼓勵供應商立即採用符合NIST SP 800-208標準的數位簽章如XMSS。具體而言,NSA敦促:

  • 已部署的軟體及韌體簽章應立即開始轉換至CNSA 2.0
  • 新版軟體及韌體應在2025年符合CNSA 2.0標準。

美國《國家安全備忘錄10》(NSM-10)將2035年訂為聯邦系統完成後量子密碼 (Post Quantum Cryptography, PQC) 轉換的目標期限,以盡可能減少量子電腦帶來的威脅。企業必須立即採取行動,以避免敏感數據遭遇「先竊取,後解密」等長期安全風險。


憑藉其 FIPS 安全認證強度,X-Wall MX+ xF/QR 單晶片的XMSS/ XMSSMT 可以成功解決軟體和韌體源碼簽問題,同時對性能和採用的影響最小,並有效地處理回滾 (Roll-back) 和旁道 (Side-channel) 攻擊等威脅。根據NIST IR8547 ”Transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography Standards” (轉換到後量子密碼學標準),現有具 112 位安全強度的公鑰加密  (Public Key Cryptography) 數位簽章演算法(如 ECDSA、EdDSA 和 RSA)易受量子攻擊,將在 2030 年後棄用,並在 2035 年後被禁止使用。

• FIPS 140-2 Level 3驗證的低功耗 (< 0.65W @600MHz operation) 單晶片加密模組。
• 64-pin QFN封裝,通過多年現場部署提供經過淬鍊的可靠度。
• 具FIPS Level 3 物理安全、安全啟動和安全韌體更新。

伊諾瓦科技為全球領先的基於晶片的加密解決方案製造商,致力於應對日益增長的隱私和機密性需求,滿足全球對數據安全的日益關注。伊諾瓦的先進即時加密解決方案旨在滿足最嚴謹的政府和企業客戶對性能和加密標準的要求。欲了解更多資訊,請造訪伊諾瓦科技官網 https://www.enovatech.com

Ms. Zoe Chen zoe.chen@enovatech.com
Enova Technology Corp. www.enovatech.com | info@enovatech.net
P: +886 35772767 | F: +886 35772770