2023 IoT Security forum
主題:以軍規等級加密晶片堡壘化底層安全計算核心–TCB “Trusted Computing Base”
下午分場C:5G AIoT資安,PM15:30~15:55
主題:解析SESIP IoT Platform
講師:伊諾瓦科技總經理 萬述寧
#物聯網安全高峰論壇 #人工智慧物聯網 #軍用等級保護解決方案
#伊諾瓦科技 #enova_technology

主題:以軍規等級加密晶片堡壘化底層安全計算核心–TCB “Trusted Computing Base”
下午分場C:5G AIoT資安,PM15:30~15:55
主題:解析SESIP IoT Platform
講師:伊諾瓦科技總經理 萬述寧
#物聯網安全高峰論壇 #人工智慧物聯網 #軍用等級保護解決方案
#伊諾瓦科技 #enova_technology
On July 11 in Conference Room 202, Red Building, Legislative Yuan “Electronic Signature Industry Symposium”, invited industry representatives, technical experts and senior scholars to discuss the practical application of today’s Electronic Signatures.
Video source: Legislators WU, HSIN-YING Facebook live broadcast, July 11, 2023, https://fb.watch/lJ7Rpg-8-C/?mibextid=qC1gEa
SDC 2016 will take place at the Santa Clara Hyatt, Santa Clara, CA on September 19-22, 2016, and is a technical industry event designed for a variety of storage technologists at various levels from developers to architects to product managers and more. Welcome to visit Enova’s exhibit booth at Silver Sponsor Area.